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Heather Bromberg

"RYT, Teaching Gentle Yoga"

Bio coming soon!

My Schedule
17 Friday
Nothing yet
18 Saturday
Nothing yet
19 Sunday
Nothing yet
20 Monday
Nothing yet
21 Tuesday
12:00 PM
Gentle/Restorative Yoga IN STUDIO
with Heather Bromberg
1 hour
This class is good for beginners and experienced students who prefer a gentle, relaxing practice. With awareness on the breath, the body is supported with blocks, bolsters, and blankets to ensure comfort and stability while holding the postures. This practice is conducted mainly on the floor in seated and reclining postures.
22 Wednesday
Nothing yet
23 Thursday
04:30 PM
Gentle Vinyasa Yoga IN STUDIO
with Heather Bromberg
1 hour
This class is good for beginners and experienced students who prefer a more gentle practice. Awareness of the breath is encouraged to facilitate movement in and out of poses. Postures include spine lengthening, twisting, gentle hip and chest opening in a manner accessible to most people.