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Preety Wadhwa

"Teaching Meditation & Pranayama"

Born and raised in a traditional Indian family, Preety’s spiritual journey began early in her life.

In 2017, Preety traveled to Kerala, India to receive her Yoga Teacher Certification from Sivananda Yoga & Vedanta Center. She remained in India and taught at their New-Delhi location for four years and continued to study Vedanta at the center.

Honoring her calling to teach meditation, Preety received her certification as a meditation teacher with the Chopra Center in 2021. Since then, she has focused on helping people manage stress using the powerful practices of yogic breathing (pranayama) and meditation.

It is Preety’s dharma (life’s purpose) and passion to share these teachings with all those desiring to live in harmony with their own core-essence, paving the path for a more peaceful, joyous, and purposeful life.

My Schedule
21 Tuesday
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22 Wednesday
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23 Thursday
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24 Friday
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25 Saturday
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26 Sunday
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27 Monday
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